Your guide to

Transitions and healing

  • Heart-Centered Healing

    Energetically move what no longer serves you and deepen your connection to what does.

  • End-of-Life Care

    Deeply reflect on your life, what death means to you and how to live every remaining moment.

Pre-Planning & Education

wooded pathway at sunrise

Envision Care and Death Your Way

By normalizing conversations around death and removing the taboos associated with dying, together, we create a space for open compassionate discussion, we can talk about death in its many forms, from the transitional times in our lives to pre-planning and awareness, to a terminal diagnosis.

Our work can be done in your home or remotely depending on location and needs.

Self-Care and Healing

White Rose

Bring back those Good Vibes

By bringing together curiosity, an open mind and the willingness to let go of what is negatively impacting you, we create room for energetic healing within your system. Leaving you feeling more spacious, relaxed and able to re-engage with yourself and your relationships more authentically.

Sessions are open to adults. Care givers may greatly benefit from this care. Healing is done in person. Call to discuss details.